
Tony ISONG, Franklyn UGOCHUKWU and Emmanuel OBOH made their presentations in the Eleventh Session of Philosophy Talks.

The eleventh session of the Philosophy Talks, organized regularly by the Department of Philosophy, was held on June 4, 2024. Tony ISONG presented “The Ethics of Robot Body Design: Exploring a Second Wave Feminist Approach”, Franklyn UGOCHUKWU “Can an AI Be a Good Doctor?” and Emmanuel OBOH “Combating Gender-Based Violence: Feminist Environmental Theories Inputs”. In the presentations, the search for answers to practical problems by approaching them from a philosophical perspective attracted the attention of the audience. At the end of the event, Tony ISONG, Franklyn UGOCHUKWU and Emmanuel OBOH were presented certificates of appreciation by our department faculty members.
  • Assist. Prof. Tayebeh Beheshti presented at the thirteenth Session of Philosophy Talks.

  • Nokwanda Mbhele presented at the Twelfth Session of Philosophy Talks.

  • A department meeting was held before the Spring semester of the 2024-2025 Academic Year.

  • Visiting scholars coming to our department within the scope of Erasmus Teaching Staff Change

  • World Philosophy Day Event

  • Prof. Dr. Sedat YAZICI's Visit to the University of Johannesburg Through Erasmus Teaching Mobility Program

  • Orientation Event for the Fall 2024 Academic Year.


  • Tony ISONG, Franklyn UGOCHUKWU and Emmanuel OBOH made their presentations in the Eleventh Session of Philosophy Talks.

  • A farewell event was held for Erasmus students.