The Department of Philosophy was founded in 2011 and received its first students in the 2015 academic year. Our department focused on raising students with academic versatility, who able to work interdisciplinary studies and cares gender equality, scientific, ethical, academic and human values. The members of our department have been working in the traditional fields of philosophy such as ethics, political philosophy, epistemology, philosophy of science, history of science and logic, as well as applied philosophy, philosophy of emotion, moral psychology, etc., which are relatively new in academic literature. Our department, which has a young and dynamic staff, incorporates the approches of “history of philosophy”, “continental philosophy”, and “analytical philosophy”. The language of instruction in our department is Turkish but the students who want to increase their professional competence and competitiveness are provided with the opportunity of "Optional Foreign Language Preparatory Class" since the 2018. While our department provides educational and consultancy services to its students, it continues to contribute to their preparation for life with undergraduate and graduate programs, minor and double major programs within the faculty and university, and domestic and international student exchange mobility such as Erasmus, Farabi, Mevlana. Our department, which provides the opportunity to actively participate in scientific, social and cultural activities in student clubs and other activities, offers its graduates rich knowledge, skills and practical experience that can produce services for the needs of today and the future in the public and private sectors.
Bartın University
Department of Philosophy