FEDEK Accreditation Certificate
By providing accreditation, evaluation and information services for university programs in Faculties of Mathematical, Natural and Social Sciences (hereinafter "FEF"), FEDEK contribute to enhancing the quality of education in FEF programs in Turkey. FEDEK is founded with the aim of improving education and scientific research, which will in turn advance the welfare of the society.
At Bartın University (BARU), efforts continue to improve the education-teaching structure, research and development capabilities, corporate management system and social benefit perspective. In this context, our undergraduate program, which has the understanding of "Quality and Continuous Improvement" with the aim of raising individuals who can look to the future with confidence with qualified education, has joined the accredited programs.
Following the examinations conducted by the External Evaluation Teams of the Association for Evaluation and Accreditation of Curricula of the Faculties of Science, Literature, Science-Literature, Language and History-Geography (FEDEK), the Department of Philosophy undergraduate program was granted accreditation for a period of 5 years.
Duration of the accreditation certificate of the Department of Philosophy Undergraduate Program: February 25, 2023 - September 30, 2028
Click here to access the FEDEK Accreditation document.